The callerframe decorator

The callerframe decorator adds to the decorated function information about it’s caller. This information can be accessed through the __caller_frame__ attribute, which is inserted into the function’s globals. The information is the namedtuple FrameInfo containing:

  • frame: the caller’s frame
  • filename: the filename
  • line_number: the line number
  • function_name: the function name
  • context: a list of context lines
  • index: the index of the line in the context where the call is done


Suppose you want to define a log() function:

>>> def log(kind, message):
...     print("{}: {}".format(kind, message))
>>> log("error", "lost connection")
error: lost connection

You may want to automatically add to the log some information about the caller, for instance:

>>> def log(kind, message):
...     print("{}: function {}: {}".format(kind, function_name, message))

so you need to obtain the callers’ function name, and eventually the filename or the line number.

Using inspect you can easily obtain such information:

>>> import inspect
>>> def log(kind, message):
...     frame, filename, line_number, function_name, context, index = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1]
...     print("{}: function {}: {}".format(kind, function_name, message))
>>> def foo():
...    log("error", "lost connection")
>>> foo()
error: function foo: lost connection

But what if you want to define also an error function using the log one? In this cast log should show information about the error‘s caller, and not about it’s direct caller:

>>> def error(message):
...     log("error", message)
>>> def bar():
...    error("lost connection")
>>> bar()
error: function error: lost connection

Notice that the log() function should behave as above when called directly, showing its direct caller’s name. But it should show the error() caller’s name when called through error().


The callerframe decorator can solve these problems. First of all, it adds to the decorated function’s globals a __caller_frame__ attribute containing all the information about the caller:

>>> @callerframe
... def log(kind, message):
...     print("{}: function {}: {}".format(kind, __caller_frame__.function_name, message))
>>> def foo():
...    log("error", "lost connection")
>>> foo()
error: function foo: lost connection

Moreover, it is possible to use the same decorator for the error function too: in this case, when called through error, log will receive the error‘s caller:

>>> @callerframe
... def error(message):
...     log("error", message)
>>> def bar():
...    error("lost connection")
>>> bar()
error: function bar: lost connection

In general, the first decorated function in a call stack sets the caller’s information.

It is possible to change the name of the added attribute:

>>> @callerframe("CALLERFRAME")
... def show_caller():
...     print(CALLERFRAME.function_name)
>>> def foo():
...     show_caller()
>>> foo()


Indices and tables